Digdarshak - One Act Play

Digdarshak (Hindi Drama)
One Act Play

Written by Priyam Jani
Directed by Rishit Jhaveri

A few days ago we watched a hindi play Digdarshak @ our Department of English;it was organised by a film screening committee members.

I have no idea about theater but what i feel or observed is it is..
It is a story about a Director and Actor. Director is so much involved in his theater life. He gaves too much attention to his students rather then family.

Director sacrifice his personal life for his art or theater,so the main theme  of this play is THEATER V/S FAMILY..because he sacrifice for the theatre.

Only two man perform many roles on the stage or cover full stage.

Director used flashback techniques to throw a light upon the concept.

Its really painful that sometimes we are not able to balanced everything...

Thank you..


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